Times and Seasons

Friends and neighbours, Fall is technically a week away, but sweater and jacket weather has already begun.

If you were to ask what causes this change of season, one answer would be that the tilt of the earth as we orbit the sun means we are beginning to get less sun and therefore less heat. But that answer only gives us the how, it doesn’t tell us why?

So, why do seasons change?

God’s Word says He created lights like the sun “for signs and seasons, and for days and years.” (Genesis 1:14) It says He also changes the times and the seasons. (Daniel 2:21) God prepares rain for the earth and makes grass grow on the hills.(Psalm 147:8) He makes clouds rise, lightning flash, and winds blow. (Psalm 135:7)

He controls it all because He created it all and it exists for Him. (Colossians 1:16-17) Man exists because God breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7) and you’re breathing today this beautiful Fall day because Jesus declared today that you would have breath today. (Hebrews 1:3) In the same way the seasons and weather are in God’s hands, your very life and every moment in it is declared by God. (Acts 17:26) Your life and breath are His gifts to you whether you acknowledge that He is the One giving them to you or not. (Acts 17:25)

These are gifts to you because God is not obligated to give them to you. You don’t deserve life and breath from God. In fact, the Bible says you and I deserve something very very different from what we have today. God is holy and righteous and a gracious giver. You and I are far from holy, we are not righteous, and we are anything but grateful receivers.

When God created our first parents Adam and Eve and gave them a home to live in, food to eat, and a life of purpose, one of the first things they did was turn on Him. They rejected His sovereign rule over them and chose ingratitude. They created a separation from themselves and the Giver of Life. It is then no wonder that the consequence of that was death for them and for us, their children.

You and I are sinners like Adam and Eve. We are not good people. How many times have you lied? How many times have you stolen? Dishonoured your parents? Had murderous anger in your heart? Dishonoured God with your thoughts and actions? You know it’s more than you can count. Don’t think so? The Bible says the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) How do you know you’re a sinner? Because you’re going to die one day. We all know that if we were to stand before a righteous and holy God today in judgment, we would be ashamed and fearful of the consequences we know we deserve.

But God hasn’t given you what you deserve. At least not yet. The Bible says that for those who continue rejecting God’s rule over their life that there is judgment waiting. That judgment is hell. A place where God’s righteous and holy hot wrath is poured out on unrighteous people like you and me. Is there any hope for us? Yes! The same God who controls the weather and times and seasons and lives like yours and mine orchestrated a wonderful plan to save us. The Bible says just at the proper time and in the nick of time (Galatians 4:4), God sent His Son to save us.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to earth to live the perfect life you and I could never live. He always honoured God, submitting to His will and lived a perfect and holy life. He fulfilled God’s law and then, as a sacrificial lamb, He died the death that you and I deserve. Three days later, He rose again to life proving that He had the power and right to save people who trust in Him.

Friends and neighbours, look at how quickly the school year snuck up on you. The end of your life and your time standing before a righteous and holy God is going to sneak up on you even more quickly. Will you be ready?

In the same way the seasons change, the season we’re in of God’s mercy towards you is going to change. One day God is going to change the climate of the earth once and for all. He did it once before. It wasn’t Global Warming. It was a Global Flood. The people living then also banked on God’s mercy and that they didn’t have to worry about being right with God. They were wrong.(2 Peter 3:3-7) God has been patient with you. That’s why you’re still breathing today: so you have a chance to hear this message.

The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all peoples everywhere to repent.
Acts 17:31

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
2 Peter 3:9

Turn back from doing life your way. Repent from ignoring your Creator, the one Who controls the sun, the seasons, and is the King of Creation. Trust in His power and desire to save you from your sins and from an eternity separated from the Giver of Life.

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
Hebrews 4:7

Now is the right season. Now is the day of salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2